Friday, March 20, 2015

Scom Linux(redhat/ubuntu/amazon) agent Registration Failed.

Hey All
 if you are getting error like below while installing scom agent on linux

Task invocation failed with error code -2130771918. Error message was: The SCXCertWriteAction module encountered a DoProcess exception. The workflow Microsoft.Unix.Agent.GetCert.Task has been unloaded.
Module: SCXCertWriteAction
Location: DoProcess
Exception type: ScxCertLibException
Exception message: Unable to create certificate context
; {ASN1 bad tag value met.

Additional data: Sudo path: /usr/bin/
Management group: Ours
Workflow name: Microsoft.Unix.Agent.GetCert.Task
Object name: Unix Linux Monitoring Resource Pool
Object ID: {B1698091-E324-6C57-79B4-2BBF46ED2952}


Check your resolv.conf file having path /etc/resolv.conf

check the domain line 

if the domain line has the domain listed like
domain def.example.pqr.

remove the last dot character from the domain it should be like
domain def.example.pqr

try installing it again .